Having a double chin is common problem with obese people and sometimes a genetic problem. We will check the most common causes of double chin to help you to get some information about this facial issue. Even though this problem is not potentially dangerous for your body, it can be very embarrassing for a lot of people because of the way it looks. Most of the times, double chin can be treated with a low fat diet and exercises, or even with a special surgery like liposuction.

Double chin starts appearing when you accumulate an increasing amount of subcutaneous fat on your neck area. This sheet of fat sags and cause a big wrinkle right below your chin, which makes it appear like you have 2 chins on your neck, that´s the reason of the popular name. Although you might think double chin just happens to fat people, there are several other reasons that can cause double chin. Some people might have a double chin due to an hereditary cause. You can see that some families are pretty lean but they still have a double chin on their necks. This is because they have a gene that predisposes their body to store more fat under their neck area.

Another cause of a double chin is water retention. Sometimes it is not fat that accumulates on the chin area, but water. This happens a lot with women during pregnancy; they have the need to retain a lot of nutrients and water. So just like sometimes the belly or knees swell up, so can the chin and neck do. You can also find that people that are very old start developing a double chin. Since it is a wrinkle, it is very likely to happen to old people. The skin starts becoming weaker as you grow older and muscles cannot maintain the skin as tight as they did when you were young. As any other wrinkle, it may happen that your neck can start wrinkling, causing a double chin. It is very likely that your double chin gets worse when you grow older, so it´s better to get rid of it as fast as possible. Finally, the most common cause of double chin is obesity. If you have weight problems, fat will start accumulating all over your body. When fat cannot find anywhere on your body to grow, it start growing on your body causing that double chin. So remember to maintain a healthy diet and do some exercises, this is how you get rid of double chin and prevent it from appearing again.

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